Ignitecast - Official Podcast of the Ignite Leadership Conference by CDF

Episode 3: Sean Suggs of Toyota / Start Your Impossible

CDF and GOinnovation Season 1 Episode 3

Toyota's name is legendary in the leadership world, in part because of the Japanese concept of "kaizen," which roughly translates to "continuous improvement" and refers to the mindset that all members, from CEO to floor workers, are constantly working together to notice what could be better and make that happen.

Sean Suggs is president of Toyota Motor Manufacturing Mississippi, responsible for a plant that employs about 2,000 workers and produces the Corolla. In this episode he talked with us about what it means to build a good team, what it's like working across a geographically dispersed and global brand, and how he makes himself as available as he can to everyone in the plant as part of Toyota's Start Your Impossible initiative.